
Undergraduate Student Agreement Program PEC-G

International Undergraduate Student
Portal UFU
27/01/2021 - 13:43 - atualizado em 18/06/2021 - 16:11
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The Undergraduate Student Agreement Program PEC-G, officially created in 1965 by Decree 55.613 and currently governed by Decree 7.948, is a set of international educational cooperation activities and procedures based on existing bilateral agreements and is characterized by the training of the international student in an undergraduate degree in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their return to their home country at the end of the degree.

This program is administered by the Division of Educational Themes (Divisão de Temas Educacionais - DCE), the Ministry of International Affairs (Ministério das Relações Exteriores - MRE) and the Ministry of Education (Ministério da Educação - MEC) in partnership with Brazilian Higher Education Institutions.



The entire undergraduate degree depending on the major.



  • Living in a multicultural environment

  • An international academic experience;

  • Academic diploma, duly validated by UFU, at the end of the exchange 



  • Applicants' requirements, as well as the selection process, to participate in the PEC-G Program are established and managed by DCE / MRE. For more information click here;

  • Among the requirements to participate in the program, the international student must pass the CELPE-BRAS Portuguese Language Proficiency Exam. The UFU Institute of Letters and Linguistics (ILEEL) is the exam's application center. For more information visit the official website of ILEEL.


Normas / Legislações

PDF icon Manual do Estudante Convênio PEC-G1.18 MB
Central de Conteúdos
