Programa de Formação para a Internacionalização (ProInt)

Who We Are
Programa de Formação para Internacionalização (PROINT) is an educational, research, and community outreach program developed by students and coordinated by Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) professors.
The program, created in April 2018, works in partnership with the Office of International Affairs (DRI). The team is composed of students from different areas of knowledge: Agricultural Science, Mathematics, Natural Science, Health Science, Human Sciences, Applied Social Science, Engineering, International Relations, and Letters (Portuguese as a second Language and foreign languages). ProInt is a team of both national and international students at UFU.
It is our belief that the internationalization of the academic community is best achieved by encouraging ProInt team members to bring diverse thoughts and perspectives to the table.
We believe that UFU can make a significant impact on Brazil and the world; as such, we aim to increase the visibility of integration, cross-cultural dialogue, and internationalization at our institution. We work not just for the benefit of international students, but also for the entire student community at UFU, focusing on internationalization at home.
It is the desire of our program for each student, incoming and outgoing, to carry with them a part of Uberlândia to the world. In the same way, we hope that UFU can learn from each nationality that leaves its mark on our university.
The programme's proposal is to contribute to the internationalisation of UFU in several ways.
We aim at improving the transition process for international students by offering a warm welcome and continuing support. In partnership with DRI, we study the needs of these students and we plan how to welcome and support them throughout their staying at UFU.
ProInt Letters teachers offer courses in Portuguese as a Foreign Language. These classes help international students improve their language comprehension not only to help them complete their academic responsibilities, but also to help them integrate into the Brazilian community.
We organize educational, research, and community outreach events. We organise integration events and cultural excursions to insert international students into the social environment of the university. In addition, we hold cultural workshops with speakers and both exchange and educational institutions, and incoming and outgoing students to share experiences and promote cultural workshops. ProInt carries out research to explore relevant issues as regards internationalization at UFU and shares these results with the community at events through presentations and posters.
We also coordinate the International Student Mentorship Program, known as MIGUFU (Mentor para Integração Global da UFU).
MIGUFU Program
MIGUFU (Mentor for Global Integration of UFU) is the international student buddy program at UFU. As with many of the sponsorship programs, the MIGUFU program is carried out by student volunteers from UFU, who "sponsors" an international student, providing support and assistance to students in areas such as classes, registration, housing, and food, among others.
MIGUFU is also a way for UFU students to experience internationalisation as an action of internationalisation at home.
In 2018, we conducted the pilot program, collecting feedback in order to enhance the MIGUFU program and certify its participants. The goal is to give international students the best possible experience at UFU, and to make their transition to life in Brazil seamless and comfortable.
The expression “migo” is a short and informal way of addressing friends in Brazilian Portuguese.
Happy Hour of Nations
The ´Happy Hour of Nations´ is a cultural event organized by ProInt to bring international students and their MIGUFU mentors together to share a piece of their culture.
In this event, international and national students bring typical dishes and there is the opportunity to try different cuisines as a way of integrating international students and the local community. The event is a time for cultural exchange: cooking, music, arts, etc.
The Week of Internationalization of UFU - INTERUFU is held annually.
INTERUFU 2018 was organised by ProInt, DRI and partners in December 2018. The week started on the Saturday morning of the 2nd and ended on the 5th of December. Throughout that week several lectures, workshops and mini-courses took place, as well as oral communication and poster presentations.
The complete program and abstract can be found at: .
INTERUFU 2019 was organized by DRI, through an organizing committee. The event counted with the help of PROINT in its execution team. The week was held from 07 to 09 October 2019 with lectures, workshops, presentation of papers and panels.
The complete programme and the book of abstracts can be accessed at:
International Student Reception
At the beginning of each academic semester, the ProInt team organises an event to officially welcome international students. Accompanied by coffee and typical Brazilian snacks, the meeting includes statements from UFU faculty and staff, who describe the variety of student services offered at UFU. In addition, we discuss intercultural differences and common questions that may arise in the interactions between international and UFU students.
Polyglot Teenagers (Adolescentes Poliglotas)
Polyglot Teenagers is a biannual foreign language and culture course (Spanish, French and English) tailored for teens aged between 11 and 14, who attend the final years of primary school. Its main objective is to familiarize students with different cultures and ways of thinking. The project relies on a dedicated team. The activities developed take into consideration the young age of these students.
The program consists of 1 hour and a half class sessions, divided into three 30 minute segments of Spanish, French, and English, respectively. Throughout the semester, participants interact with Letter students from the 3 language sections, members of ProInt, coordinators from ILEEL and ESEBA, as well as exchange students at UFU who speak at least one of the aforementioned languages.
The goal of Polyglot Teenagers are:
- To foster familiarity with foreign languages and cultures to promote multilingualism and welcome the diversity of the participants.
- To offer a course in Spanish, French, and English for adolescents aged 11 to 14 during their last years of elementary education.
- To explore cultural aspects of Spanish-speaking, French-speaking, and English-speaking countries
- To promote the interaction of international UFU students and other participants,
- To propose innovative pedagogical activities and educational experiences and to evaluate the quality of these activities.
The program is coordinated by the director of the institute of International Affairs, Waldenor Barros Moraes Filho, PhD, and by Valeska Virgínia Soares Souza, PhD, Maíra Sueco Maegava Córdula, PhD, and Verônica Angélica Freitas de Paula, PhD.
Contact us
Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm
Instagram: @prointufu
Reitoria (Building 3P), Room 3P02, to the right of the DRI office
Instagram: @prointufu
Sala 3P02, sala ao lado da DRI, no bloco 3P (bloco da reitoria).